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IridiTRAK RST430

Beam IridiTRAK (RST430) terminal is a small and lightweight device that uses the latest technology in providing global alert, tracking and monitoring services. With its inbuilt 16 channel GPS engine and its Iridium 9601 Short Burst Data modem you can track your vehicles, vessels, assets and personnel virtually anywhere on earth.

IridiTRAK (RST430) is specifically designed to support a range of optional “man down” accessories for monitoring personnel in lone worker applications and has an inbuilt alert acknowledgement protocol for added safety.

  • 100% Global Coverage
  • 9 – 32V DC input
  • In – built Iridium Satellite modem
  • Small and lightweight
  • 16 Channel In-built GPS
  • Short Burst Data capable
    - Mobile Originated - 340 Bytes
    - Mobile Terminated - 270 Bytes
  • Supports Alert buttons
  • Digital IO
  • Analogue Input
  • Simple Installation / Configuration
  • Multiple alert notifications
  • Signal LED
  • Support simultaneous tracking
  • Sleep mode – low power usage



About Us

LocateAnywhere is an online SaaS (Software as a Service) asset tracking platform offered by Twisted Kelp to enable the location and tracking of nearly any connected device, whether through WiFi, cellular, or satellite, anywhere on the planet. With massive IOT at scale through LocateAnywhere, the possibilities are endless. ...Read More >

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Twisted Kelp
11301 W Olympic Blvd Ste 402
Los Angeles, CA, USA 90064

(310) 362-5436

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